Questions during Q&A

  • At Redeemer Church, a deacon or deaconess is a dedicated servant leader within their Gospel Community, responsible for embodying Christlike character, assisting in shaping the culture of the church, and supporting its mission to cultivate a Gospel-centered family of passionate and committed disciples who love and obey Jesus wholeheartedly.

  • During our Q&A, we will work through the following questions conversationally to better understand your calling for the role of a deacon/deaconness at Redeemer Church:

    1) How do you perceive the role of a deacon/deaconess within a Gospel-Centered Disciple Making Family?

    2) Reflecting on your participation in our Gospel Community, could you share how this has fostered your understanding of God's mission for the church?

    3) As a prospective deacon/deaconess, what unique contributions do you envision yourself bringing to further the mission and theological vision of Redeemer Church? Which aspects of a deacon's responsibilities do you feel particularly called to and prepared for?

    4) At Redeemer Church, we emphasize a balance of "pouring out" and "pouring in" in our discipleship. Can you share your thoughts on this balance and your experience of it at Redeemer?

    5) Do you have any questions or concerns about the role and responsibilities of a deacon, including the commitment to a regular Sunday gathering over a shared meal?

    Note: Considering time commitments, please note that as a deacon, the only addition to your schedule would be a commitment to a regular Sunday gathering over a shared meal. This gathering is meant to be a blessing, not a burden – a time for our deacons to be filled up and encouraged in the Lord.